%s: Update version %s to %s&Will search for %s installation in %s.┐This program will try to update your %s installation found in
from version %s to version %s.
If you have any difficulty upgrading, contact Technical Support at support@strategyfirst.com .'Unable to determine installed version. %s Update log written to %s.version detected.=Update completed successfully, no files needed to be patched.No update will be performed.^Your installed version of %s does not match the version this update is designed to patch from."is already up to date with versionHThe version you have installed may be newer than the version this patch @was designed to upgrade (%s), or it may be modified or corrupt. JCheck %s.net for a more recent patch that matches your installed version, 6which is identified on the initial Kohan logo screen, 3or re-install from your %s CD and patch from there.